HCI Books International Sales
Christian Blonshine, Vice-President
Health Communications, Inc.
301 Crawford Blvd, Ste #200
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Phone: (1) (011) 561-287-9164
Fax: (1) (011) 561-453-1009
Subsidiary & Foreign Rights
For foreign rights details, information, or review copies, please contact the foreign agent responsible for your language and/or country from the list below. For languages and/or countries not listed, please contact:
Marie Florio, Vice-President, Director of Subsidiary Rights
Simon and Schuster
Phone: (1) (011) 914-522-9432
Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Latin America
Maru de Montserrat
International Editors Co.
Barcelona, Spain
Tel: (34) (93) 215-8812 Fax: (34) (93) 487-3583
João Paulo Riff and Laura Riff
Riff Agency
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tel: (55) (21) 2287-6299 Fax: (55) (21) 2267-6393
China and Taiwan
Jackie Huang
Andrew Nurnberg Associates International Ltd.
Beijing, China
Tel: (86) (1) 825-4106 Fax: (86) (1) 825-4200
Email Andrew Nurnberg Intl Bejing
Whitney Hsu
Andrew Nurnberg Associates International Ltd.
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: (886) (2) 2562-9008 Fax: (886) (2) 2562-7712
Vanessa Kling
La Nouvelle Agence
Paris, France
Tel: (33) (1) 43-25-85-60 Fax: (33) (1) 43-25-47-98
John Moukakos
JLM Literary Agency
Athens, Greece
Tel: (30210) 384-7187 Fax: (30210) 382-8779
Hungary and Croatia
Judit Hermann
Andrew Nurnberg Associates
Budapest, Hungary
Tel: (36) (1) 302-64-51 / 3113968
Erica Berla
Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Milano, Italy
Tel. +39 0280504179 Fax. +39 0289010646
Miko Yamanouchi
Japan UNI Agency
Tokyo Japan
Tel: (81) (3) 3295-0301 Fax: (81) (3) 3294-5173
Marcin Biegaj and Marta Ziolkowska
Andrew Nurnberg Associates
Warszawa, Poland
Tel: 4860 7636086 Email Mr. Biegaj Email Ms. Ziolkowska
Scandinavia (Denmark,Sweden,Norway, Finland)
Ulf Töregård
Ulf Töregård Agency
Karlshamn, Sweden
Tel: (46) (454) 84340; 708 123 Email Ulf Töregård Agency
Pimolporn Yutisri
Tuttle-Mori Agency Co., Ltd.
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: (66) (2) 694-3026 Fax: (66) (2) 694-3027 Email Tuttle-Mori Agency
Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia) and Ukraine
Tatjana Zoldnere
Andrew Nurnberg Associates Baltic
Riga, Latvia
Tel: (37) (1) 750-6495 Fax: (37) (1) 750-6494
Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia & Montenegro
Mira Droumeva
Andrew Nurnberg Associates
Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: (359) (2) 986-2819 Fax: (359) (2) 986-2819
Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Slovenia
Marta Soukopova and Petra Tobiskova
Andrew Nurnberg Associates
Prague, Czech Republic
Tel: (420) (222) 782 041 Fax: (420) (222) 782 041
Sebastian Ritscher Ronit Zafran
Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: (41) (43) 244-86-26 Fax: (41) (43) 244-86-27
Paul Sebes Willem Bisseling
Sebes & Bisseling Literary Agency
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: (31) (20) 616 0940 Fax: (31) (20) 618 0843
Beverley Levit
The Book Publishers Association of Israel
Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: (972) (3) 561-4121 Fax: (972) (3) 561-1996
Indonesia/ Vietnam/Maylasia
Santo Manurung
Maxima Creative Agency
Tangerang, Indonesia
Tel/Fax. 62-21-5421 7768
Seong-ah Bak
KCC (Korea Copyright Center)
Seoul, Korea
Tel: (82) (2) 725-3350 Fax: (82) (2) 725-3612
Ludmilla Sushkova
Moscow, Russia
Tel: (7) (495) 625-81-88 Fax: (7) (495) 625-81-88 Email Andrew Nurnberg Assoc Russia
Spain and Portugal
Maru de Montserrat International Editors Co.
Barcelona, Spain
Tel: (34) (93) 215-8812 Fax: (34) (93) 487-3583 Email Maru de Montserrat Intl Editors
Atilla Izgi Turgut
Akcali Copyright Agency
Kadikoy-Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: (90) 216-338-8771 or (90) 216-348-5160 Fax: (90) 216-414-2265 or (90) 216-347-6108